
Deputy ministers resign after eight months on suspension with pay

10 ސެޕްޓެންބަރު 2024 - 14:44 0

Malsha, Shiuna and President Muizzu. -- Photo: PNC

Deputy ministers resign after eight months on suspension with pay

10 ސެޕްޓެންބަރު 2024 - 14:44 0

Deputy Youth Ministers Mariyam Shiuna and Malsha Shareef who have been on suspension since January for insulting Indian Prime Narendra Modi on social media have resigned.

Adhadhu can confirm that Shiuna and Malsha have both submitted their resignation letters. When contacted by Adhadhu, Shiuna declined to disclose a reason for her resignation.

Malsha and Shiuna resigned after eight months of suspension with pay. During this period, each of them received a total of MVR 252,000 as salary.

A third Deputy Youth Minister, Mahzoom Majid, was also suspended on January 7 for insulting Modi on social media. Adhadhu understands that he remains in the position.

The government suspended the three deputy ministers amid a campaign against Maldives tourism in India backed by Bollywood stars. Many flight and hotel bookings were cancelled due to the campaign, according to Indian newspapers.

The tourism industry, including the Maldives Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators (MATATO), has also been expressing concern over pressures faced due to the mockery and insulting of India and the country's Prime Minister. The Maldives Foreign Ministry also condemned the remarks.

Local politicians also condemned the disparaging remarks against Modi, including opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) chairman Fayyaz Ismail, former President Mohamed Nasheed and Maldives Reform Movement (MRM) leader Faris Maumoon.

India and Maldives have had very close relations since the government of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. Through the relationship, the country has also provided significant assistance to Maldives' development.

However, relations deteriorated in the administration of former President Abdulla Yameen from 2013 to 2018.

In the last five years from 2018 to 2023, the government of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih again drew closer to India.

But, President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, who won last year's presidential election, came to power through an anti-India campaign and has been increasingly critical of India. The relations suffered a major setback when three deputy ministers insulted Modi,

However, the government is now working to strengthen relations with India.