23 ޖަނަވަރީ 2025 - 09:56 0
23 ޖަނަވަރީ 2025 - 09:56 0
The police are seeking assistance from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the investigation into the death of Zakiyya Moosa, 50, who was found dead on Noonu Holhudhoo island in September.
Adhadhu understands that FBI investigative officials had worked with a police team in Holhudhoo.
Police spokesperson Ahmed Shifan confirmed to Adhadhu that the police were seeking FBI assistance. But he did not disclose how long the FBI will assist the Maldives Police Service.
Shifan, who is also the Assistant Commissioner of police, did not confirm when questioned whether this was a homicide investigation.
Zakiyyaa Moosa was a native of Holhudhoo island. She was found dead with stab wounds to the neck on the morning of September 10, 2024. A police forensic team worked on the island due to the suspicious nature of her death.
At an earlier briefing, Chief Inspector of Police Mohamed Samih said that the investigation was ongoing but they have not yet obtained any evidence to suggest foul play in Zakiyya's death.
"Zakiyya had three deep wounds on her right side, two deep wounds on her left side and one shallow wound in the middle of her neck," Samih said.
He said there was a lot of blood on the knife found near her body and on the clothes Zakiyya was wearing.
However, there were no signs of any other injuries and no signs of an assault at the warehouse where Zakiyya was found dead. The warehouse is located at her home on the island.
Police also said that it is difficult to rule out the possibility of suicide.
"Looking at some of the similar investigations we have done so far, there are cases where such wounds had been found. So it's difficult to say this can't be done," Samih told reporters.
The police press conference on Zakiyya's death came after residents of Holhudhoo staged a protest demanding more information on the investigation. Some of them believe her death was not the result of suicide.
Meanwhile, residents are preparing to stage another rally demanding urgent justice on Friday.
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