
Neither the President nor anyone else instructed me to run for the post of PG: Abbas

16 ސެޕްޓެންބަރު 2024 - 16:54 0

Abbas Shareef. -- Photo: Mirash Nashim/ Adhadhu

Neither the President nor anyone else instructed me to run for the post of PG: Abbas

16 ސެޕްޓެންބަރު 2024 - 16:54 0

Abbas Shareef, the Legal Secretary of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, has said he was not instructed by the President or anyone else to run for the post of Prosecutor General (PG).

Replying to a question during the Parliament's Judiciary Committee today, Abbas said the media reported about his application for the post when he submitted for criminal record clearance.

"Cabinet ministers who work with me found out [that I was applying for the post of PG] when it was reported in the news. I have not been instructed by any ministers or the President or any politicians to run for the post," Abbas said.

He said some people congratulated him and messaged him after he applied for the post.

Abbas said he submitted the application since he was qualified to be the PG and as it is an opportunity to serve the country.

He was responding to a question by Hithadhoo Dhekunu MP Ibrahim Nazil whether he applied for the post of PG on the instruction of anyone.

In his letter to the Parliament last week, President Muizzu proposed Abbas for the post of PG and also provided the names of other applicants.

The post of PG became vacant after former PG Hussain Shameem resigned ahead of the August 22 Parliament sitting for his dismissal.

The law stipulates that a new PG must be appointed within 30 days of the vacancy. Shameem was dismissed during the last sitting of the first session of the 20th Parliament this year.