
Fuvahmulah road development project stalled for seven months!

16 ސެޕްޓެންބަރު 2024 - 10:20 0

President Muizzu inaugurates the second phase of the project. -- Photo: President's Office

Fuvahmulah road development project stalled for seven months!

16 ސެޕްޓެންބަރު 2024 - 10:20 0

No practical work has been carried out in the second phase of the road development project in Fuvahmulah despite its inauguration on February 19 by President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, Adhadhu has learnt.

Fuvahmulah Mayor Ismail Rafeeq told Adhadhu that the road development project has been stalled for a long time and the latest date given to begin work was September.

"Nothing much has been done after the work was completed in phase one of the project. Phase two has not even started yet. They said it will begin in September. But it hasn't started yet," he said.

Rafeeq said Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) carried out some casting work at the project site, but that work has also stopped.

He added that he plans to meet officials from MTCC to find out the reason for the delay.

The second phase of the road development in Fuvahmulah includes modernizing 50 roads which is about 12.7 kilometres.

President Muizzu met with the Fuvahmulaj City Council on February 19 and assured them that all the roads in the city would be developed to modern standards as requested by the council and as he pledged during the presidential election.

The first phase of the project was completed before the end of former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's term in office. The government, at the time, decided to begin the second phase of the project immediately after completing the first phase.