
First vessel for bunkering service near Kulhudhuffushi

9 ސެޕްޓެންބަރު 2024 - 17:27 0

Vessel near Kulhudhuffushi. -- Photo: Social media

First vessel for bunkering service near Kulhudhuffushi

9 ސެޕްޓެންބަރު 2024 - 17:27 0

The first of two vessels being brought by the State Trading Organization (STO) to start bunkering services in the north of the country has reached Kulhudhuffushi city.

Bunkering services in Maldives will be provided by Vitol, one of the most prominent companies in the world for the service. Two oil tankers used by the Vitol in Singapore is being brought to the Maldives to launch bunkering services.

"Marine Angel" is anchored near Kulhudhuffushi while "Marine Bella" is now at the southeast of neighboring Sri Lanka. According to VesselFindder and Marine Traffic, "Marine Bella" is also expected to reach Kulhudhuffushi on Wednesday night.

Current location of the vessels. -- Photo: VesselFinder

The inauguration of bunkering services has been postponed on numerous occasions. The government last announced September 12 as the date for launching the service in the Ihavandhippolhu region.

Although the bunkering service will be provided by the State Trading Organization (STO), most of the essential work needed to launch the service is being carried out by MPL. The work is centered in Haa Alif Uligan island.

Meanwhile, MPL has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Uligan island council for the construction of a yacht marina. The company has opened for interested parties to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the project.